Ally Elite Agency FAQs
Ally Elite Agency FAQs
Q: I have purchased my resume package, what happens next?
A: Upon purchase, you will receive a confirmation email and a link to set up a time to speak with one of our intake specialists. After that, we will also send a welcome email with a questionnaire. Please fill out this questionnaire to the best of your ability, including adding your resume, career documents, and information regarding the roles that you wish to apply for.
Q: What if I selected the wrong resume level?
A: If you purchased the wrong resume level, we will catch this during our initial intake consultation with you and let you know. If your level is below what you purchased, we will simply issue a refund for the difference between your levels. If your level is above what you purchased, we will send an invoice for the difference between your levels. In this case, we will not start work on your purchased package until that new invoice has cleared. This is for your sake and ours, as we always want to have the most current information possible when starting your career profile.
Q: What if I selected (and purchased) the wrong package?
A: Similar to if you purchased the wrong level, you will either be refunded or sent an invoice.
Q: I see this ATS acronym all over the internet, what is that?
A: An Applicant Tracking System is an AI-driven application that is used by nearly all companies during the hiring process. According to JobScan, nearly 100% of Fortune 500 companies use some form of an Applicant Tracking System. Prior to the pandemic, the average number of companies/organizations that used an ATS was around 70%. Post-pandemic, that number is closer to 95%. This is important because your resume will likely be parsed through one of these systems during the application process. Which means that your resume needs to be 100% up to par with ATS compatibility.
Q: What is keyword optimization?
A: Just like the phrase implies, it is the optimization of keywords. We make sure that your resume includes a significant amount of industry keywords/buzzwords/phrases that relate to the positions that you are applying for. Some examples include if you are applying to a Project Manager role, we would use Project Management, Program Management, Deadline Adherence, Process improvements, Cross-Functional Collaboration, etc.
Q: Why does it matter if my Resume Writer is Certified?
A: Well, just like you would not choose to go to a non-licensed Doctor, there are expectations to consider when choosing a Resume Writing Agency to purchase from. Since all of our Resume Writers are Certified, this means that they have gone through a national certification process that reviewed their skills and tests, deeming them an appropriate, certified professional in their field. These types of professionals are more likely to utilize Subject Matter Expert practices and can generally be trusted when it comes to knowledge about your industry, career pathway, and resumes in general.
Q: Do you price match with other similar agencies?
A: Absolutely, positively, not. We are a services organization that employs professionals with nearly 20 years in Career Services. Are there cheaper/less expensive options out there? For sure! Are they Certified Professionals with 2 decades of experience that can offer you the best foot forward in your career trajectory? Unlikely. Similar to comparing the purchase of a burger at a fast-food restaurant to a Michelin Star, you do get what you paid for.
Q: What makes you different from other resume organizations?
A: Primarily, we have a passion for what we do here at Ally Elite Agency. Career Development, Planning, and overall Career Services are all that we offer here, which makes us quite unique. While we are a national agency, we have two local offices in different areas of the country (an office Williston, North Dakota, and Galveston, Texas). Most of the top Career Services industries work solely remotely and do not offer in-person services. We believe in local and national presence, ensuring that we can first help our respective communities with their career needs. However, the most significant difference between Ally Elite Agency and other competitors is that we always put the customer first and make sure that they are always only purchasing what they need. We will refund if a client purchases more than deemed necessary, which no other company out there would provide. We simply want to help you get your resume on top of the pile.
Q: Do you offer guarantees?
A: 100% no. If you find another competing agency/company that offers guarantees, run away! If they offer to complete services prior to payment, please consider this as a red flag. Any company out there that guarantees that you’ll “get a job in X amount of days” or that you will “land that interview” is using this as just a gimmick. It is physically impossible to make a guarantee on this because so many of the parameters are unknown. What if you purchase a resume and don’t even apply for a single job within that 30/60/90 days? Does this mean that after all of our hard work to get an amazing product to you and put you on top of the pile against your competitors, that we now owe you a refund? No, this is not fair to you or us as an agency (or my hardworking Writers). We work hard for you, the entire time we work with you. Also, it gives you a false sense of idealistic hope in landing that interview, simply because of your shiny new resume. That is not helpful to you either. Do our clients always land interviews and end up getting a job in their field after receiving our resume? Absolutely. Do we guarantee this? No, and we never will. We want to be clear, honest, and upfront about expectations from the very beginning, not create false showpiece advertising just to gain clients.
Q: Do you run my resume through an ATS before sending it back?
A: We love this question. The short answer might shock you. It is no. We do not. However, there is a reason for this. We know that every single template/format that we used has been put through multiple ATS on many different occasions, and it is not necessary to do it again, for every single client. We do, however, provide you with some free ways to do this yourself in our information sheets!
Q: I am interested in a service that is not listed on your website. Does this mean that you don’t offer it?
A: No! If you have a Career Services question, or need to be guided in the right direction, please set up a free intake call/consultation with us! We would be glad to assist you.